KVIC tender

5.7.1 Technical Proposal

a. In preparing the Technical Proposal, the bidders are expected to examine the documents comprising this RFP in detail. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in rejection of a Proposal.
b. While preparing the Technical Proposal, the bidder must give particular attention to the following:
• Key Features of the overall solution.
• Architecture envisaged for the solution including information security design.
• Approach and Methodology including information security aspects
• The proposal shall involve the number of key professionals and Support team staff-months estimated by the firm.
• It is desirable that the key professional staff proposed be permanent employees of the firm or has an extended and stable working relation with it.
• Alternative key professional staff shall not be proposed, and only one curriculum vitae (CV) may be submitted for each position
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Support team to supplement the key professionals have to be submitted.
• The contract shall cover a period of 48 months during which the IA shall have performed all the activity as enumerated in the scope of work and shall also provide necessary support.
c. The Technical proposal should provide the following information using the attached Technical Forms:
• Any additional information requested in the Data Sheet.
• The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information.
• Solution Overview
• Understanding of scope of work
5.7.2 Financial Proposal

a. In preparing the Financial Proposal, the bidders are expected to take into account the requirements and conditions of the RFP document. The Financial Proposal should follow Standard Forms and list all costs associated with the Assignment.
b. The Financial Proposal should clearly identify, as a separate amount, the local taxes (including social security), duties, fees, levies, and other charges imposed under the applicable law, on the bidders.
c. The Bidders should express the price of their services in Indian Rupees.
d. The Data Sheet indicates how long the proposals must remain valid after the submission date. During this period, the bidder is expected to keep available the key professional staff proposed for the assignment. The Client will make its best effort to complete negotiations within this period. If the Client wishes to extend the validity period of the proposals, the bidders who do not agree, have the right not to extend the validity of their proposals.
5.25.1 Conflicting Activities:

a. A firm that has been engaged by the Client to provide goods, works or Assignment/job and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualified from providing consulting Assignment/job related to those goods, works or Assignment/job.
b. Conversely, a firm hired to provide consulting Assignment/job for the preparation or implementation of a project, and any of its affiliates, shall be disqualified from subsequently providing goods or works or Assignment/job other than consulting Assignment/job resulting from or directly related to the firm's consulting Assignment/job for such preparation or implementation. For the purpose of this paragraph, Assignment/job other than consulting Assignment/job is defined as those leading to a measurable physical output.
c. A Consultant (including its Personnel and Sub-Consultants) or any of its affiliates shall not be hired for any Assignment/job that, by its nature, may be in conflict with another Assignment/job of the Consultant to be executed for the same or for another Client.
d. An IA (including its Personnel and Sub-contractors) that has a business or family relationship with a member of the Client’s staff who is directly or indirectly involved in any part of (i) the preparation of the Terms of Reference of the Assignment/job, (ii) the selection process for such Assignment/job, or (iii) supervision of the Contract, may not be awarded a Contract, unless the conflict stemming from this relationship has been resolved in a manner acceptable to the Employer throughout the selection process and the execution of the Contract.
e. The IA will have an obligation to disclose any situation of actual or potential conflict that impacts their capacity to serve the best interest of their Client or that may reasonably be perceived as having this effect. Any such disclosure shall be made as per the Standard forms of technical proposal provided herewith. If the IA fails to disclose said situations and if the Client comes to know about any such situation at any time, it may lead to the disqualification of the Consultant during bidding process or the termination of its Contract during execution of assignment.
f. No agency or current employees of the Client shall work as IA under their own ministries, departments or agencies.
6 Scope of work

1. Director (IT) wishes to develop a Web Portal for PMEGP which will have the following features:
a. Ability to create electronic catalogues of different products as per international standards. Hence the classification system should define product/service type terms and should contain specification sheets for the different product classifications and should be available 24*7 on web portal.
b. Ability to view each product by 1800.
c. Audio / Video contents about the products in a catalogue.
d. Should display the last 3 products viewed by customer.
e. Have a Classification system for products that can map the different products produced by the Beneficiaries to the classification system.
f. Cataloguing the products on international search engines using Product keywords.
g. A Search facility to be able to Search on Product name, product category, Institute Name, Industry Type, newly added products, mostly viewed products, and Advanced Search.
h. The Catalogues Taxonomy should be capable of being Multi Lingual (at least 8 UN languages) and should be simultaneously published in at least 8 UN languages portals/ directories.
i. Hit Counter.
j. Feed back form.
k. Generation of inquiries.

2. Brief content of the portal shall include the following:
a. About Khadi and Village Industries Commission
b. About PMEGP
c. Photo-galleries – Product category wise, Beneficiary wise.
d. News & articles forum.
e. PMEGP Statistics
f. Infrastructure and Mega Clusters
g. Important dates / Events
h. High degree of multi-level security and auditing for all the entire activities in the entire portal.
3. The entire content of the Portal should be updatable using a backend Content management System.
4. The Tenderer need to follow OWASP standards during development for Web portal.
5. It is desired to have a collection of specialized product directory features and functions in the Portal. They include:
a. Khadi and Village Industries product and service classifications
b. Local, regional, global and industry vertical applications Classifications
c. Adequate product and service attributes
d. Support of at least 8 important UN languages in addition to Top Indian Languages.
e. Request for Quotes facility.
f. Product and service catalogs.
g. Beneficiaries Home Page.
h. Beneficiaries should have access to update their data about themselves and their product details with proper authentication mechanism with Admin user.
i. Custom search options with Advance search Options.

6. It is desirable to have following minimum features in the Portal for each beneficiary:
a. Basic listing
b. “Custom URL” allowing direct access to Beneficiary’s profile page within a directory.
c. Direct e-mail connectivity.
d. Product and/or Service catalogs with associated indexing attributes
e. Beneficiary and Product information pages allowing for the display of additional information about the Beneficiaries and its product and/or service catalog offerings.
f. Provision for posting trade leads with complete details for buyers & sellers
g. Providing templatized Web front of each Beneficiary. The Web front of each Beneficiary shall have at least
i. Beneficiary Name
ii. Contact Details
iii. Brief Profile, Vision
iv. Product Types in various Indian and International Languages
v. Catalogs with Products Photos.
vi. Additional Information on products
vii. Photo Gallery
viii. Technical Profile of Artisans
ix. Customer List
x. Price List
xi. Client Associates
xii. Machine / Tools used
xiii. Hit Counter for their profile visited
xiv. Provision for email / Request for Quote
xv. Link to existing Website, if any.
h. Location on Google map for major cities.
7. Vendor shall also Source and Manage technology and Set up, Operate the Portal & maintenance of the same.
7. The portal shall be theme based initially on seven main categories namely
a. Agro Based Food Processing Industry,
b. Forest Based Industry,
c. Polymer and Chemical Based Industry,
d. Handmade Paper and Fiber Industry,
e. Rural Engineering and Bio Technology,
f. Mineral Based Industries,
g. Service & Textiles Industry.

8. Each Category shall have several sub-industries which may further have sub categories based upon its variability. Web pages along with images of these sub industries / sub categories of the seven main industries shall be published on Portal.
9. The Beneficiaries of the above Industries are located in various States / UTs of the Country, including North Eastern States. Product details / works each of various Beneficiaries are to be catalogued in the Portal.
10. Vendor will have to do Security Audit of the Web portal by an approved vendor of NIC before hosting the web portal at KVIC. The vendor needs to submit the Security Audit Report. Vendor shall then need to fix the flaws or vulnerability found if any in report and get a final audit report from the security auditor.
11. Beneficiaries of Seven Industries need to be covered
• Product / catalogs of Each Industries need to be covered:
• Total Products / catalogs from all the industries are to be published
12. Data collection: The selected Tenderer shall be expected to go to the field and collect all the details & photographs from these beneficiaries and to create electronic catalogs.
13. Each Beneficiary shall be given credentials to update the details in the Portal. Beneficiary can upload the modified details / photos on the Portal but approval from the backend shall be given by System Administrator of the Portal. More over, Tenderer has to review & update the data / photograph once in 3 months if any, by re-visiting the locations (4 times during warranty period and 8 times during 2 years maintenance period).
14. The following details of the Beneficiaries shall be provided by the PMEGP, KVIC:
i. Name
ii. Contact Address

However, the following details are to be captured by the Selected Tenderer in the field:
iii. City
iv. State
v. Pin
vi. Std code
vii. Phone(s)
viii. Fax
ix. Mobile(s)
x. Email Id
xi. Web site
xii. Contact Person
xiii. Product Category / Sub-Category 1
xiv. Product Category / Sub-Category 2
xv. Product Category / Sub-Category 3
xvi. Product Category / Sub-Category 4
xvii. Product Category / Sub-Category 5
xviii. Longitude
xix. Latitude
xx. Business Hours (From – to)
xxi. Break Hours (From – to)
xxii. Closed on (Day of Week)
15. Details of the beneficiaries shall be collected by the Selected Tenderer. Details of all categories of Products / Services have to be collected.
16. It is also required to increase visibility of Portal on internet using Search Engine Optimization techniques. The requirement is that at least 25 % of the categories / sub-category are listed on first 5 pages on search engine like Google, Yahoo within 6 months of start of Portal, at least another 25% within additional 3 months and finally 75% within 1 year of start of Portal.
17. The web portal should be flexible to accommodate and have a provision for e-commerce on the web portal, KVIC may go for e-commerce in future including payment gateway.


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